Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929

10-12-2013 "Hero Carse"


Hero Carse

U.S. Army Corporal Nathan B. Carse, 32, of Harrod, Ohio, assigned to the 2nd Engineer Battalion, 176th Engineer Brigade, based out of White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, died in Kandahar, Afghanistan, on February 8, 2011, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit using an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his mother Janis and sisters Megan Brown and Kristin Purdy.

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: 95/65lb pound Squat clean Double-under 185/115lb pound Deadlift 24"/20" Box jump Begin each round with a 50 meter Bear crawl.

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