Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929



Today is open gym.  This means if you missed your strength this week today is your day to make it up.

Suggested Partner WOD:

In teams of two complete: 100 KBS 24/16kg 50 ring dips 30 T2B 10 Snatches (any style) 155/105# 30 T2B 50 pullups 100 Partner Wall Balls 20/14#
800 meter run with wallball

For time. Notes: All reps may be apportioned in any way between the teammates, but only one teammate may be working at a time The only exception is the Partner Wall Balls. Partner Wall Balls must be performed by teammates alternating Wall Ball shots

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