Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929


Memorial Day MURPH
Monday May 29th 9am-11am
-BBQ 11am-1pm
-Sign-up Sheet at the gym for Food
-Bring your own Adult beverage
-This is open to all, guest, family and friends
-Ind. and Partner WOD

Open Gym today during all class times.  Please use your time well.  Make up a WOD that you missed or a Strength.

Pick two things that you need to work on
EMOM for 6 minutes

Wendler Week 3 Push-Press

5x 75% 3x85% 1 PLUS x95%

Roll Dice and do work, AMRAP 15 Minutes
1 Roll Both must do the work

2 run 200m 
3 Get a drink of water
4 50 double unders
5 10 Lunges
6 10 Push-ups
7 10 Burpees
8 10 Squats
9 10 Sit ups
10 10 Wall balls
11 Touch someone and double reps they need to do on the next set
12 Row 200m

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