Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929

11-05-2013 "13.4"


Open WOD 13.4
As many reps in 7 mins as you can of: 3 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs 3 Toes To Bars 6 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs 6 Toes To Bars 9 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs 9 Toes To Bars 12 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs 12 Toes To Bars 15 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs 15 Toes To Bars 18 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs 18 Toes To Bars If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc. This workout begins from the standing position with the barbell on the floor and the Athlete standing tall. Every rep counts in this workout.

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