Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929

10-23-2013"LuRung 7"


Bench Press 5-5-3-3-3
Find your 3 rep max and record it!


Happy Birthday Sonja, Jill and Jessica

20 Minute Amrap

3 Burpee
3 Front Squat
3 Push Press
100 Meter Farmer carry
(10 meter increments)

Sequence goes 5-7-9-11 REPS

13 Rep of:
This workout begins with the athlete standing tall. Once the clock begins the athlete then has 20 minutes to complete 5 rounds at the following rep scheme of 3’s, 5’s, 7’s, 9’s, 11’s, with a farmers carry between each round. Once the athlete finishes their last round of 11’s and the farmers’ carry he or she must then complete 13 burpee muscle-ups, 13 burpee pull-ups, and/or 13 burpee over barbell, depending on the athlete’s division.

  • Any 1 REP the finisher, push press, front squat, of burpee not completed within the 20 minute time cap will be added on as 1 additional second.
  • Every 10 Meter Farmer Carry not completed withing the 20 minute time cap will result in 5 seconds/10 meter increment being added to the total time. Partial 10 meters do not count

Burpees            LVL3/2/1
Front Squats at 65/65/30 lbs
Push Press at 65/65/30 lbs
Farmer Carry at 35/35/25 lbs
Finisher: Burpee Muscle Ups/ Burpee Pull up/ Burpee over bar


Burpees          LVL 3/2/1
Front Squats at 95/94/45 lbs
Push Press at 95/95/45 lbs
Farmer Carry at 53/53/35 lbs
Finisher: Burpee Muscle Ups/ Burpee Pull up/ Burpee Over bar

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