Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929

09-30-2013 LuRung WOD 4"


DeLoad Week
Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3
70% of your 1 rep max for all sets

10 minute time cap 50 Thrusters 50 Toes to Bar

Men 95/65/45lb
Womens 65/45

Level 2 abmat sit ups
Level 1 anchored abmat sit ups

No front Squat to push press or push jerks, hip crease below knee, Lock out arms and knees, control at the top.. Must complete all 50 to move on

Toes to bar: feet hit same time. arms straight at the bottom, feet go behind the bar at the bottom, feet must hit inside the hands

Modification for t2b: feet butterflies, shoulder blades must touch ground, and you must touch toes, (YOU CAN NOT SWING HANDS OVER THE HEAD!!!) past the ears!!!

Modification abmat situps with andanchor: same as above, but you can use a Dumbbell to weight your feet down.

Every rep no completed is adding one second to your time

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