Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929



Today is open gym = make up a strength that you missed work on skills, or a wod that you missed or always wanted to do.

Suggested WOD:

With a partner complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes: 3 squat clean thrusters (135/95 lbs) 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups 9 box jumps (24/20") 12 deadlifts (135/95 lbs) 15 mountain climbers Cycle thru the exercises, one person working at a time. Partner A does clean thrusters, then partner B does pull-ups, then A does box jumps...and so on for 20 minutes.

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