Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929

09-02-2013 "Labor day team fun"


Labor Day Schedule:
6:30am Class
9am Class
Closed the rest of the day.

Team Metcon:

Score is total wall balls and box jumps for each person. Rotate Partners (3 Partners) 5 Rounds of In 1 minute 5 Burpees then Max Rep Wall Balls (20/14) in whatever time is left in minute 2 minute rest then 5 Rounds of In 1 minute 5 Kettlebell Swing (1.5/1) then Max Rep Box Jumps (24/20) in whatever time is left in minute each partner rotates 5 times for example Partner 1 goes first does 5 burpees and hits 22 Wall Balls once 1 min is up then Partner 2 goes first does 5 burpees and starts WBs until one minute is up then Partner 3 goes etc...

*** While partner 1 goes first partner 2 will be holding a plank and partner 3 will be holding hollow rock position**** Rotates back to Partner 1 where he will pick up where he left off on Wall Ball Count 23 etc... The first 5 Rounds are Burpees and Wall Balls, the second 5 Rounds are KB Swings and Box Jumps 30 min Workout

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