Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929



Today is Open Gym, this means that you can come into any class time and make up a Wod or a strength that you might have missed this week.

Suggested team Wod

Teams of 4 people
1 person working on Cleans at a time 2 people can work on Sit-ups at a time
1 person is resting Whole team has to run and finish together before starting next round or sit-ups
All but 1 person is moving For Time:
400 meter buy-in (must run together) 100 Power Cleans 115 lbs 200 Sit-up (abmat)s 800 m Run 200 Sit-up (abmat)s 100 Power Cleans 115 lbs
400 meter buy-out (must run together)

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