Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929


Memorial Day MURPH
Monday May 29th 9am-11am
-BBQ 11am-1pm
-Sign-up Sheet at the gym for Food
-Bring your own Adult beverage
-This is open to all, guest, family and friends
-Ind. and Partner WOD

Mobility Thrusday

Butt Kickers
Lunge with Stretch
10 Goodmornings with bar
10 Pause Squats with bar

20 rep Back Squat Series
add 5lbs to your last successful 20 rep
if your on track you will minus 40lbs from your 5 rep max


Partner up
Move the required load from floor to overhead using any movement necessary:
Men move #7000
ex. #75lbs for 94 reps, or 135 for 52 reps

Women move #5000
Ex. #45 for 111 reps, or #95 for 53 reps

If a male female pair: you must pick one bar one weight and move #6000

Power clean and Jerk or Power snatch
Use any load you choose, as the reps will be scaled accordingly
Load must touch the floor and make a full lockout on each rep to count.

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