Yelm Wod Dogs

303 Creek St Unit 1&2 Yelm, Wa 98597
Annie Cell 206-914-6929


New Website:

No Charity this week.... But here's your challenge.....  who has the best class time?  Take a picture each day and post it of your whole class being awesome!!!!

Also, Still taking $10 gift cards for Homeless Back Pack program for next weeks Spring Break in Yelm!!!  So if you want to give you still can.

END OF THE OPEN PARTY is Friday at 6:30 pm at Prairie Lanes in Yelm.

May 6th we will filling Back Packs for Thurston County Homeless Pro. Volunteers we need 15-20 to make it happen.  Carpooling from CF Yelm to Lacey at 9am will be back by 12pm latest.

Partner up:
A. Plank hold/B. 2 turkish get ups switch when get ups are done.
done when each partner has Planked 5x

Skill Work:
With a continuosly running clock perform:
1 Pull-up and 1 Handstand Push-up in the first 1 min.
2 Pull-up and 2 HSPU in the 2nd 1 min
3 Pull-ups and 3 HSPU in the 3rd 1 min

Continuing this for as long as you are able

5 rounds for time of:
Overhead walking lunge, 45/25lb plate, 50ft
12 Burpees

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